Topic originally started by Joseph Yap from the old forum.
How do you do quantification for antimalarials? Is it done at the national/central level or by the district/provincial level?
Originally posted by Sharri_Hollist from the old forum.
In Papua New Guinea, quantification is done at the central level because this is where the budgeting and procurement takes place. It is usually done by the Medical supplies or the malaria program.
To do quantification for antimalarials, we have to base on:
- Annual reports of antimalarial drug use and needs of all provinces.
- Drugs unused in stores.
- Malaria situation last year.
- Rate of increasing population.
- Rate of cases with P. falciparum, P. vivax.
This is done at the both national and district levels.
Originally posted by Rima Shretta from the old forum.
Session 2: Quantification
Summary of responses:
Quantification is done at both the nationaland district levels. Budgeting and procurement takes place mainly at the national level therefore data is collated at this level. In most cases quantification is done at the level of the medical supply unit.
Quantification for antimalarials is usually based on consumption reports including stock pipelines, epidemiological or morbidity data.
Issues to consider:
Quantification is a team effort and the medical supply or procurement unit, the district level as well as the malaria program should be involved. For new treatments, mobidity data can be used to compile needs but should be followwed up by consumption monitoring. As much as possible, both methods should be used to validate estimates.
Originally posted by Sharri_Hollist from the old forum.
Just now in Thailand we are quantifying the budget for FY 2009 (Oct -Sep). Then I will quantify the budget for antimalarials for the whole country under GF7. I quantified by useing the number of cases and consumption data from the last three years. My problem under GF7 is the criteria that all health products must have international GMP; but all of the products are not registered in Thailand. Then we have many steps to run in time and with low cost. We want to improve warehouses at the provincial level with a limited budget.
Tools and resources on quantifcation can be found on:
Originally posted by aton_cabugayan from the old forum.
I am in charge in quantifying anti-malarials for GF (Round 2 and 6) project in the Philippines. The current method I used is adjusted consumption method. Quantity of drugs to be procured is based on the # of health facilities performing diagnosis for Malaria. As of now we have more than a thousand health facilities performing diagnosis for Malaria and each facility has a minimum stock level of drugs to be maintained per month. Minimum stocks level of a facility depends on the endemicity of the locality.
Quantification is done and at the National level and this drugs are allocated to provinces depend upon the # of health facilities performing diagnosis. Updates on the status of implementation of supply management in the Philippines, I have just conducted two (2) batches of training on Basic concepts of Inventory Management and Logistics Operation Management for Provincial Supply Officer and I am preparing for the Municipal Level training.
The provincial level training was conducted through the help of Philippine Institute for Supply Management were in basic concepts about the supply chain management were taught to the participants. Hands on exercises and group works was done for better appreciation of the participants. As a result of the training, an average of 79% increase on knowledge of the participants was measured from the pre-test evaluation to post test evaluation. Syllabus for municipal level training is underway and we have schedule the whole of September. The municipal level training will focus on the on responding to stock out and increase the inventory report submission rate. I am soliciting ideas from other people to help me strategize this training. The major problem that we are encountering in the implementation of the Supply Management is the high number of facilities having stock out and low submission rate of inventory report (from village level facility to provincial level).
I hope you could help me to formulate the syllabus. Thank you very much
Respectfully yours,
Aton Cabugayan
Tropical Disease Foundation Inc.
Originally posted by Sharri_Hollist from the old forum.
In Myanmar Quantification for antimalarials done at the National level usually in coordination with WHO Malaria Unit.
Quantification were done both by Morbidity method and consumption method . It also depend on the availability of Budget .
Budget availability were usually went through WHO.
Age group specified drugs were base on 55% for adult,20% for 10 to 14 yrs age group,15 % for 5 to 9 age groups and 10% for under 5 age groups.
Population were usually base on the projected population of the health related programs.
Lead time and other factors were not usually counted for quantification.
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Session 2: Quantification
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